Meant to post this when I first saw it a few days back, but got distracted by work and other meaningless things. Well, you live and learn, don't you?
Shooting Gallery has posted a gallery for their 2004 Tiki Show -
Shag's contributions are:
"In the Ratongo Room" - original - $7,000 - SOLD
(Thanks to roving reporter D. Imura for the update that it's been sold)
Is it me... or does the guy have three hands?
"Banana Liqueur" - serigraph - $825.00
"The Envious Girl Friend" - serigraph - $850.00
(attention nitpickers - site says it's from an edition of 150 - yes, I think they meant 99)
"Green Wahine" - serigraph - $300.00
(attention nitpickers pt II - site says it's from an edition of 150 - yes, I think they meant 300)
"Idol Conversation" - serigraph - $750.00 - SOLD
$825 for "Banana Liqueur" - wow, remember when serigraphs were cheep? When something like "The Pick Up" was released in '01 for the low low price of $18.00?
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