Tuesday, May 18, 2004

"Pick of the Litter" opens at DC Gallery in almost two weeks!

The pick of the litter is "Print show" of Josh's artists' proofs and 3 small originals.

Part of the title comes from the werewolf image from the show.

Also, we are releasing an edition, "The Melancholy Werewolf" image as seen in the ad.

Although I don't know the exact price yet, they will be very reasonable, in keeping with our philosophy.

They also sent a JPEG of the image:


Here's a very cool site, Expresso Beans, to track all your Shag swag (among other artists).

I just joined (as "BaronV") and entered the majority of my collection into their database - I never noticed how many Shag prints/posters/mugs/etc. my wife and I own. I could have bought myself a nice bass boat with that cash.

(A respectful tip o' the non la to Chip!)


Expresso Beans had a link to an article/bio from the OC Metro with Mr Agle as one of their "Hot 25" for 2001.

I see this line in almost every bio about him:

His works eventually appeared in publications such as Time, Entertainment Weekly and Forbes.

Anyone remember seeing any of these illustrations and/or have copies of these images?

FAVORITE BOOK: "Cat's Cradle," by Kurt Vonnegut

Not my favorite book by Vonnegut - I'm not that much of a kiss-ass, I'm more of a Slaughterhouse Five and Jailbird type - but Mr Agle has taste (even with the cheesy 'stash he's sporting in the OC Metro's pic).

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