Friday, May 28, 2004

Okay, I pooped the bed not once, but twice, in the last entry...

#1 - The "Desert Polynesia" shirt I referenced isn't a fake/bootleg...

Yes, that is a real t-shirt. Those were produced by the Palm Springs Preservation Foundation in 2002, the front has a small pic and says 'a tiki weekend in Palm Springs' November 2002.
They were also sold at the Palm Springs Modernism show in Feb. 2003 when Shag released the Desert Polynesia Print. That's when we bought ours, my boyfriend wears it all the time. I don't remember how much they were, maybe $15 or $20?

A tip of my Little House on the Prairie-era bonnet to Ms. Moreland for setting me straight.

#2 - Forgot to add an article link where Nash Agnew (aka Shag) wrote an article for The Continental about Pete Ciccone, Art Chantry, and himself called "The Look Of Surf, Garage And Trash."

Shag pulls a "James Brown" when interviewing himself, doing the whole "3rd person reference" thing that annoys the hell out of me. Unless you're James Brown, please don't do it.


On the subject of Palm Springs, next year's Palm Springs Modernism Show has already been scheduled for February 18-20, 2005.

No idea yet if Shag be taking part again - perhaps there will be a scheduling conflict with another collectible toy show?

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